Online E-learning platform with adapted pedagogical contents for self-learning and complementary modules for blended learning
Intellectual Output 3 focused on the creation of the technical and content structure of the E-Learning platform, thereby transforming raw pedagogical content into an educational resource. Here’s an overview of the key aspects of this output:
̴Identifying Platform Specifications: We developed the platform specifications, aligning them with the objectives outlined in IO1.
̴Creating an User-Friendly Platform in line with the needs of people with all levels of computer literacy: We prioritized ease of use and accessibility in the design and development of the E-Learning platform.
̴Content Integration: Our primary goal was to adapt the raw pedagogical content for online use and seamlessly integrate it into the platform.
̴Testing and Assessment: We rigorously tested and assessed both the platform and the adapted content.
̴Improvement and Validation: Based on feedback from stakeholders and iterative testing, we made improvements and validated the platform and the adapted learning content.
The Results of IO3 are twofold:
̴Creating the E-Learning Platform in line with the requirements of the target group: We successfully created the structure of the E-Learning platform, tailor-made to meet the specific needs of EU producers.
̴Using an innovative process of Iterative Optimization: The output includes an assessment of the platform and its optimization based on an iterative method, involving input from project partners , users, and advisory board members.