Objectives & Impacts


Work Plan
To achieve these objectives and impacts, the project will adopt a producer-centric approach by keeping in mind the needs and requirements of producers in term of knowledge and training preferences. FOOD IMPROV’IDERS will study innovative food chain models that result in a fairer position for producers and develop fit-for purpose educational material identifying the determinants and key levers behind successful practices to facilitate the replication of fairer food chain models (WP1). Develop an e-learning platform tailored by the needs and feedback of the target audience and adapt the educational content developed for online self-learning (WP2). The developed pedagogical content on short food chains will be implemented and refined during blended-learning training sessions in the second and third year of the project training 360-480 EU producers (WP3, WP4). The project will ensure a wider uptake of the project results via a strong communication and dissemination strategy (WP5) supported by efficient project management (WP6).

ANIA is the coordinator of the FOOD IMPROV’IDERS project. It is the French Food and Drink federation, gathers sectorial federation and regional associations, and represent more than 17 000 food compagnies, 98% of these companies being SMEs. ANIA represent, inform and support food companies in France in order to valorise their role and contribution to public bodies, medias and consumers.
Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
Eszterházy Károly University performs high quality educational and research work building on two and half century traditions in higher education of the city of Eger and preparing its students towards the challenges of the future. The institute – with nearly 10,000 students and 1500 employees – continuously develops a diverse courses offering in line with the social and economic challenges of the 21st century.
University of Ljubljana – Veterinary Faculty [UL-VF]
The University of Ljubljana is the oldest, largest, and internationally best-ranked university in Slovenia. The university was founded in 1919 and encompasses 23 faculties, 3 art academies, and 3 associated members. The Veterinary faculty perform research work in the field of general hygiene, hygiene of premises and processes, food safety and food quality in food supply chain and on the field of public health.
The University of Parma is one of the oldest universities in Europe: established with the ‘Diploma’ conferred to Umberto, the bishop of Parma, in the year 962 AD. The University has now about 25,000 students and 1,800 professors, researchers and administrative staff. The University has an excellent record of accomplishment in producing outstanding young professionals in a vast array of academic fields. We continuously communicate with public and private organizations in order to better understand their true requirements, hence, improve, and update the proposed curricula accordingly.
Foundation Juana de Vega is a private foundation founded in 1872 for the creation a school of agriculture to improve the training of farmers in Galicia. Currently the Juana de Vega Foundation continues to develop activities to contribute to the development of the rural environment of Galicia through various initiatives related to agrifood sector, training and research in this field and in topics related to landscape and territory.